
The Different One

35 mm (1:1.33); 18 min; 1989

The Union of Cinematographers of the USSR,
Cinema Fund of the USSR,
Art association,
Higher Courses of Script Writers and Film Directors of the Goskino USSR,
Kyiv Dovzhenko Film Studio.
  • Written and directed
    Sergii Masloboischykov (by D.Bakin)
  • Director of photography
    Alexander Shumovych
  • Art director
    Yevgenia Lissetskaya
  • Music
    Alfred Shnitke, Viacheslav Nazarov
  • Editing
    Rosa Lorman
  • Sound
    Sergey Vachy
  • Cast
    Denis Karasiov, Lev Somov, Konstantin Shamin, Oleg Primogenov
Prize for the best directing (Short film Festival "Vita Longa", Moscow, 1989)
Prize for Cinema language (All-Union "Debut" Film Festival, Moscow, 1990)
Prize for humanism and the highest aesthetic qualities of the film (Author’s Film Festival, Polotsk, Belorussia, 1991)
Prize for the best student feature film (International Student Film Festival "VGIK-92", Moscow, Russia, 1992)
Prize for the best feature film, directing and acting (International Festival “France-Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine, 1992)

Presentations: Participant of the International Cannes Film Festival Programme «Semaine de la critique», Cannes, France, 1990, Oberhausen (Int. Film Fest), Paris, New-York, Moscow (Int. Film Fest).